" and what if it's not something I want to show the world? what if it's something I want to show me?" Do you know Amelia Earhart Putnam (1897-1937)? First woman to pilot a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean? Woman best -most brave- pilot, maybe, ever? One of the aviation myth? One thing, she is a legend. Film tentang Amelia Earhart baru keluar-atau saya yang baru tau ya, ehehe yang mainnya Hilary Swank dan Richard Gere (Swank as Earhart and Gere as Putnam, Earhart’s husband). Tagline film-nya: a love without limit, a life without fear. Entah kenapa ya, tapi saya sangat kagum sama perempuan yang seperti itu. Menjadi perempuan yang breaking the border line, menjadi perempuan yang 'one in a million'. Perempuan yang punya mimpi and have no fear untuk mewujudkan mimpinya. Amelia Earhart, di film itu bilang gini : " Everyone has oceans to fly. As long as you have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of b...