
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2014

20 things you need to accept about your 20s

Original article courtesy of: Edited, commented, corrected by fulkifadhila's (not that) beautiful mind. But first, let me inform you dearest #grammarnazi, im not that good in grammar, please let go. :p  You're going to be broke for a very long time;  Its the transition from being parents-financial-dependent into me-financial-independent. You start working but your financial is still unstable since you're a fresh starter, you will try every possible way to explore every option to be financial independent and not asking money from your parents The first time you fall in love probably won't be the last. There are different kinds of love and people that will come into your life for different reasons. This is so true i have no other saying. You will undeniably grow apart from your friends in some ways. You're going to move and get into relationships and careers that take up a lot of your time. Yes, one of my bestfriend will go...

Oxymoron; when moron needs some oxygen.

Feeling like stitch. Been very vulnerable for things I vowed before not to be involved again. Maybe sumthin plugged my brain vessels and intervene my oxy delivery thus I cant react properly. Reaction toward action has been amplified. Dearest Allah, please protect me, please don't attach me to what you haven't written to be mine. :(

Hongkong in A Glance: Departure.

Sekarang saya sedang berada dalam perjalanan pesawat menuju... Jakarta. Bukan buat pulang kampung, tapi buat travelling part kesekian ke... Hongkong. Kurang random gimana ya kan? Dokter internsip di kota Bau-Bau tapi jalan-jalan kesini.  1. Sebenernya bisa-bisa aja, soalnya skrg saya lagi stase IGD. Bisa libur asalkan yang lain mau cover. Dan teman-teman saya yang baik-baik dan lucu-lucu itu *uhuk* juga pada mau pulang dan dengan senang hati mau saling menggantikan.  2. Sepupu-sepupu saya, ya mostly sih g semua, pada liburan kesana semua, kira-kira ber 15. Dan saya udah dibeliin tiket. Ayah mengizinkan dan malah instruksikan pergi, saya yang sebenernya agak mager ini jadi berangkat. Booo, dari Bau-Bau ini berangkatnya, bukan Bandung. Ngebayangin perjalanannya aja udah males duluan hiks. Cape -,- 3. Ya kapan lagi liat Hongkong gratis. Ya g gratis sih, tiket Baubau-Jakarta ttp byr sendiri yg kira2 sm aja kaya jkt-hk. AUUUMMMM! Yak lanjut nulis yg ...